Saturday, February 12, 2011

Out With The Old

Today I did something new. I went to a new eye doctor. Up until this point, only Dr. S has had the opportunity to get intimate with my eyeballs. But she lives in the suburbs, I don't have a car, and she's not close to the train. It was time for me to make a change.

I broke up with my lifelong dentist last year, too. Since however old one is when she first gets her teeth cleaned, I've only gone to Dr. J. But there's the same issue with the suburbs.

I know people try new doctors/dentists/opticians all the time. But I hadn't. So I was all nervous and stuff. And believe it not, these new doctors I picked, both within walking distance of my apartment, were better than the ones I had been going to all my life. I was in and out of the dentist's office in 30 minutes with sparkling clean teeth and my complimentary toothbrush. My old dentist would take at least an hour, plus she would always talk about how French people have horrible teeth hygiene (although France is one of my favorite topics of conversation, I don't really care about the country's teeth). And same with the eye doctor. He was a really nice guy, didn't put those weirdo drops in my eyes, then make me wait 20 minutes for my pupils to grow to the size of pepperoni slices, then shine gazillion-watt light bulbs in my eyes. In and out and it was all relatively painless.

Trying new stuff can be hard, especially when you are pretty okay with whatever the status quo is. But just remember people, you could have something so much better. Like an eye doctor who is hip to your hipness and thus doesn't try to sell you clip-on sunglasses. Nothing against Dr. S and staff. But I never wanted clip-on sunglasses and they always tried to get me to buy them.

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