Monday, July 31, 2006


So I am pretty much exhausted right now and am a little delirious. But I knew, I knew that YOU, person who reads my blog, really so badly wanted to read a post from me. And that is because you were wondering how Pitchfork was, right? Exactly. Well it was rockin'. And even though I wasn't quite hipster enough and chose to wore the old tank top skirt flip flop combo as opposed to thrift store purchased or home sewn dress giant belt neon leggings funky jewelry bandana tattoos and pyscho gelled hair combo, I could still enjoy the music and fun times as much as the rest of them.

I also may try and get into the underground electronic scene with Devin. That's because the tent was the where it was at. It was sweaty and loud and dancing and I was definitely in the mood for all of the above today. But I also thoroughly enjoyed seeing Ted Leo bleed and 'Hounds of Love' last night. And a million other things. I need to recover and get mentally and physically prepared for next weekend, which will be… well I will just leave things here.

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